Birthday flowers

Bring joy to their special day


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81 products

Twenty-four pink Esperance roses arranged in simple glass vase on white background.Closeup of open blush pink Esperance roses.
24 Esperance Roses Arranged Sale priceFrom $290.00 CAD
12 Explorer Roses ArrangedWoman holding vase full of red roses.
12 Explorer Roses Arranged Sale price$165.00 CAD

Want to wish someone you love a happy birthday?

Surprise them with a colourful bouquet of fresh flowers from award-winning Westmount Florist! Whether it’s for a 1st birthday or a 101th, nothing feels more special than having fresh flowers delivered right to your doorstep.

Our carefully curated collection of birthday flowers is updated regularly with only the freshest seasonal blooms available anywhere in Montreal.

twenty-four red roses with green leaves in clear glass vase.Woman holding glass vase full of red roses with greenery.
24 Explorer Roses Arranged Sale price$300.00 CAD
Sold out
White Mondial roses with cream berries and green hydrangea on white background.Woman in white holding white roses, cream hypericum berries, and green dianthus.
Summerhill Bouquet Petite Sale price$165.00 CAD
Bouquet of white Mondial roses, white lilies, cream berries and green hydrangea on a white background.Closeup of white lilies and cream hypericum berries.
Summerhill Bouquet Medium Sale price$200.00 CAD
Large bouquet of white and green flowers on white background.Woman in pink dress holding large bouquet of white flowers, including lilies, roses, bells, snapdragons and hydrangea.
Summerhill Bouquet Large Sale price$240.00 CAD
Winston BouquetWinston Bouquet
Winston Bouquet Sale price$155.00 CAD
Bouquet of orange, yellow, gold, and green flowers on white background.Woman in white holding bouquet of orange roses, yellow freesia, green hydrangea, gold protea, and red hypericum.
Maywood Bouquet Petite Sale price$150.00 CAD
Large bouquet of yellow, lime green, and orange flowers on white background. Woman in red dress holding large bouquet of lime green, yellow, and orange flowers.
Maywood Bouquet Large Sale price$200.00 CAD
Sold out
Bouquet of pink lilies on a white background.Large stem of open, pink, fragrant, lilies.
Pink Lilies with Ruscus Sale price$90.00 CAD
A bouquet of a dozen cool water rosesPerson holding a singular cool water rose
12 Piacere Roses Sale priceFrom $110.00 CAD
White Mondial RosesWoman in pale pink dress holding bouquet of white Mondial roses.
White Mondial Roses Sale priceFrom $110.00 CAD
24 Esperance Roses24 Esperance Roses
24 Esperance Roses Sale priceFrom $230.00 CAD
12 yellow  rosesCloseup of one yellow rose on white background
Bikini Roses Sale priceFrom $110.00 CAD
Brightly coloured gerberas with greenery. Woman in green shirt holding bouquet of gerberas,
15 Gerberas with Greens Sale price$95.00 CAD

Choose from our vast selection of gerbers, ranunculi, roses, solidago, spray roses and other cherry varieties.

Or let our floral designers create a custom arrangement for you. Celebrate the ones you love with help from Westmount Florist. We use only the freshest blooms, tastefully packaged for same-day delivery in Montreal. Our flower delivery spans Pointe-Claire, the South Shore, Laval and the West Island, bringing exceptional bouquets to every doorstep. Order your birthday flowers online today.

Mini White OrchidsWoman in blue floral dress holding white pot full of miniature orchids.
Mini White Orchids Sale price$155.00 CAD
Mini pink OrchidsClose-up of a vibrant pink orchid
Mini pink Orchids Sale price$155.00 CAD
Double stemmed white phalaenopsis orchid plant in plain white ceramic pot on white background.Slightly blurry image of white phalaenopsis orchid flowers on white background.
Boca Sale price$135.00 CAD
Sold out
Fuchsia pink phalaenopsis orchid plant, with two stems, in clay pot with saucer, on white background.Hand with red nail polish touching Fuchsia pink phalaenopsis orchid flower on white background.
Detroit Sale price$110.00 CAD
Sold out
 Fuchsia pink phalaenopsis orchid plant in white ceramic cylinder centered on white background.Closeup of fuchsia pink phalaenopsis orchid flowers on white background.
Savannah Sale price$110.00 CAD
Sold out
Fuchsia pink phalaenopsis orchid plant with two stems in white ceramic cylinder centered on white background.closeup of fuchsia pink phalaenopsis orchid flower on white background.
Naples Sale price$135.00 CAD
Houston Sale price$85.00 CAD
Sold out
Fuchsia pink phalaenopsis orchid plant in clay pte with saucer centered on white background.Closeup of fuchsia pink phalaenopsis orchid flowes on white background.
Denver Sale price$85.00 CAD
OrlandoCloseup of white phalaenopsis orchid, with yellow center, on white background.
Orlando Sale price$110.00 CAD
White phalaenopsis orchid plant with two flowering stems in clay pot on white background.Closeup of hand coming from right side touching white phalaenopsis flower on white background.
Los Angeles Sale price$110.00 CAD
AustinCloseup of white phalaenopsis orchid flower with white background.
Austin Sale price$250.00 CAD
Sold out
Palm BeachCloseup of white phalaenopsis orchid flowers on white background.
Palm Beach Sale price$400.00 CAD
Round handtied bouquet in white, green, and soft pink, laying on white background.Woman in white dress holding round white,green, and soft pink, hand tied bouquet.
Hampton Hand Tied Bouquet Sale price$210.00 CAD
Round handtied bouquet with orange free spirit roses, dark purple lisianthus, hot pink spray roses, and gold protea.Woman in yellow dress holding bright orange, purple, and hot pink round bouquet.
Montrose Handtied Bouquet Sale price$255.00 CAD
Bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums, peach roses, green hydrangea, peach hypericum berries and gold protea flowers on white background.Closeup of yellow chrysanthemum, peach rose, and gold pincushion protea.
Springfield Handtied Bouquet Sale price$170.00 CAD
All white and green handtied bouquet on white background. Close up of white and green flowers, including roses, hypericum berries, hydrangeas, snapdragons, and bells of ireland.
Victoria Handtied Bouquet Sale price$225.00 CAD
Snake plant in round, black, ceramic pot.Snake Plant
Snake Plant Sale price$65.00 CAD
ZZ plant in round black ceramic container.closeup of ZZ plant.
ZZ Plant Sale price$70.00 CAD
White Lilies with RuscusWhite Lilies with Ruscus
White Lilies with Ruscus Sale price$90.00 CAD
Sold out
Reno (Double Red Cyclamen)Reno (Double Red Cyclamen)
Reno (Double Red Cyclamen) Sale price$65.00 CAD
Sold out
Waterloo (Double White Cyclamen)Waterloo (Double White Cyclamen)
Waterloo (Double White Cyclamen) Sale price$65.00 CAD
Pale pink cylamen plant in claypot.Paris
Paris Sale price$60.00 CAD
Red cylamen plant in claypotWoman holding red cyclamen plant in clay pot.
Rome Sale price$60.00 CAD
White cylamen plant in claypot.Monaco
Monaco Sale price$60.00 CAD