West Island Flower Delivery


This Valentine’s Day, fall in love with swoon-worthy florals from Westmount Florist


Expressing how much you care is quicker and easier than you think

Westmount Florist has been delivering some of the finest blooms to Montreal, Laval, the South Shore and West Island for over 50 years. Thanks to our online boutique, you can now order a bouquet or arrangement with just a few clicks and send it to your loved one. See if we deliver to you.

woman in pink dress holding rosebowl filled with pink flowers, including roses, lisianthus and snapdragons.

Words sometimes fail. Flowers never do.

We believe that flowers are emotions manifested in physical form. Love, condolences, congratulations, regret. Let our team help you convey just the right message. We make the flower ordering experience easy, enjoyable and memorable.

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Our clients say it best

See why Westmount Florist is the go-to florist in Montreal for those who focus on attention to detail.

500+ 5-star Google reviews


This is my favourite florist.

When I went there at the end of August, I knew I was at the right place. As soon as you walk in it feels so delightful. This is my favourite florist. They are professional and so kind. The bouquets are all so gorgeous with a high quality of flowers that last. Thank you for such a beautiful bouquet. I definitely 100% recommend it to everyone!

Joanne Belsito

Beautiful bouquet as always.

Smooth and on-time delivery.Can always count on Westmount Florist for great service and stunning arrangements.

Mirosław Sadowski

Great customer service, beautiful flowers.

What more can one expect from a florist?!

David Black

25 years of happy flower buying.

Westmount Florist. Always, always the go to shop for beautiful flowers and arrangements, and fantastic customer service. In Westmount, and in the West Island. 25 years of happy flower buying.

Eva C.

I knew I was at the right place

When I went there in end of August, I knew I was at the right place. As soon as you walk in it feels so delightful. This is my favorite florist. They are professional and so kind. The bouquets are all so gorgeous with a high quality of flowers that last. Thank you for such a beautiful bouquet. I definitely 100% recommend to everyone !

Kathryn Liptrott

I love Westmount Florist!

I’m in Toronto and ONLY order from Westmount when I send flowers in Mtl - the flowers are always fresh, gorgeous and delivered on time. They’re also great at the last minute orders - I love Westmount Florist!

Experience our floral creations as nature intended – up close and in person.


360 Avenue Victoria,
Westmount, Montreal, QC H3Z 2N4, Canada

514 488-9121


343 Chemin du Bord-du-Lac,
Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 4L8, Canada

514 697-5858

Follow our journey

Supplying Montreal with exceptional blooms since 1962!
