
Conçus pour les amateurs de fleurs. À placer dans votre vase ou contenant favori.


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29 produits

Woman in black dress arranging a bouquet of white anemones, white dahlias, white roses, and other greenery
Arrangement de vase blanc et vert, choix du fleuriste Prix de venteA partir de $100.00 CAD
Woman in green sweater arranging a bouquet containing Pink roses, mini candlelight spray roses, pink dahlias, pink caspia, white anemones, green hydrangea, and other greens
Bouquet Création du Fleuriste aux Tons Doux Prix de venteA partir de $100.00 CAD

Que contient un bouquet?

Tout ce que nos coeurs veulent exprimer. Et chez Fleuriste Westmount, les plus belles fleurs disponibles, localement et dans le monde entier.

Nous nous procurons uniquement les plus fraîches fleurs saisonnières, directement auprès de l'agriculteur et dans les endroits où elles poussent le mieux.

Parcourez notre collection de bouquets pour découvrir pourquoi nos fleurs se distinguent des autres.

Woman in yellow dress arranging a bouquet of red and green flowers, including green hypericum berries, red roses, pink veronica, red anemones, pink and purple dahlias, and greenery
Bouquet Création du Fleuriste aux Couleurs Vives Prix de venteA partir de $100.00 CAD
Lys blancs avec ruscusLys blancs avec ruscus
Lys blancs avec ruscus Prix de vente$90.00 CAD
En rupture
Bouquet of pink lilies on a white background.Large stem of open, pink, fragrant, lilies.
Lys roses avec ruscus Prix de vente$90.00 CAD
Bouquet of pink Mondial roses, green hydrangea, white lisianthus and eucalyptus on white background.Closeup of soft pink roses and pale green hydrangea.
Petite Bouquet Aurora Prix de vente$135.00 CAD
Soft green, white, and pale green flowers. Woman in pink dress holding large bouquet of white, pale green, and pink flowers.
Bouquet Aurora Grand Prix de vente$235.00 CAD
Round handtied bouquet in white, green, and soft pink, laying on white background.Woman in white dress holding round white,green, and soft pink, hand tied bouquet.
Bouquet Noué à la Main Hampton Prix de vente$180.00 CAD
All white and green handtied bouquet on white background. Close up of white and green flowers, including roses, hypericum berries, hydrangeas, snapdragons, and bells of ireland.
Bouquet noué à la main Victoria Prix de vente$200.00 CAD
Bouquet of pink flowers, including roses, lilies, snapdragon, and lisianthus.Woman in white t-shirt and jeans holding large bouquet of pink flowers.
Sydney Prix de vente$180.00 CAD
White Mondial roses with cream berries and green hydrangea on white background.Woman in white holding white roses, cream hypericum berries, and green dianthus.
Bouquet Summerhill petit Prix de vente$140.00 CAD
Bouquet of white Mondial roses, white lilies, cream berries and green hydrangea on a white background.Closeup of white lilies and cream hypericum berries.
Bouquet Summerhill Moyen Prix de vente$175.00 CAD
Large bouquet of white and green flowers on white background.Woman in pink dress holding large bouquet of white flowers, including lilies, roses, bells, snapdragons and hydrangea.
Bouquet Summerhill Grand Prix de vente$220.00 CAD
Bouquet of orange, yellow, gold, and green flowers on white background.Woman in white holding bouquet of orange roses, yellow freesia, green hydrangea, gold protea, and red hypericum.
Petit Bouquet Maywood Prix de vente$140.00 CAD
Large bouquet of yellow, lime green, and orange flowers on white background. Woman in red dress holding large bouquet of lime green, yellow, and orange flowers.
Grand bouquet Maywood Prix de vente$175.00 CAD

We only source the freshest seasonal blooms directly directly from the locations where they grow best.

Browse our bouquet collection to see why our blooms are a cut above the rest. As you explore, you'll discover the exceptional care and artistry that go into each arrangement, making every bloom not just a flower, but a masterpiece of natural beauty and expert design. Wherever you’re located – Montreal, Pointe-Claire, the South Shore, Laval, or the West Island – we deliver the perfect flowers for every occasion.

Bouquet WinstonBouquet Winston
Bouquet Winston Prix de vente$115.00 CAD
Brightly coloured gerberas with greenery. Woman in green shirt holding bouquet of gerberas,
15 Gerberas avec verdure Prix de vente$95.00 CAD
Roses « Explorer »One dozen red roses laid upon a white table
Roses « Explorer » Prix de vente$90.00 CAD
Collection of two dozen red roses laid upon a white tableWoman in white top holding a collection of two dozen red roses
24 Roses Explorer Prix de vente$180.00 CAD
En rupture
Roses « Esperance »Roses « Esperance »
Roses « Esperance » Prix de vente$90.00 CAD
En rupture
24 roses « Esperance »24 roses « Esperance »
24 roses « Esperance » Prix de vente$180.00 CAD
Bouquet of twelve pale pink Mondial roses with greenery on white background.Closeup of pale pink Mondial roses.
Roses « Pink Mondial » Prix de venteA partir de $90.00 CAD
Roses « Free Spirit »Roses « Free Spirit »
Roses « Free Spirit » Prix de venteA partir de $90.00 CAD
roses « Candlelight »roses « Candlelight »
roses « Candlelight » Prix de venteA partir de $90.00 CAD
Roses Mondiales blanchesWoman in pale pink dress holding bouquet of white Mondial roses.
Roses Mondiales blanches Prix de venteA partir de $90.00 CAD
12 yellow  rosesCloseup of one yellow rose on white background
Roses « Bikini » Prix de venteA partir de $90.00 CAD
Bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums, peach roses, green hydrangea, peach hypericum berries and gold protea flowers on white background.Closeup of yellow chrysanthemum, peach rose, and gold pincushion protea.
Bouquet noué à la main Redfern Prix de vente$170.00 CAD
Round handtied bouquet with orange free spirit roses, dark purple lisianthus, hot pink spray roses, and gold protea.Woman in yellow dress holding bright orange, purple, and hot pink round bouquet.
Bouquet noué à la main Montrose Prix de vente$210.00 CAD
woman in white shirt and jean skirt holding large bouquet of eucalyptus.One stem of eucalyptus on white backgrond.
Bouquet Frais d'Eucalyptus Prix de vente$65.00 CAD